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Our Ministry

Worship Services

SeasonsSunday Service Times
Summer timings (April – September)English Worship at 8:00 AM
Hindustani Worship at 10:00 AM
Winter timings (October – March)English Worship at 8:30 AM
Hindustani Worship at 10:30 AM


“Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.” – Ephesians 5:19

As with all Church work, the Choir members offer significant amount of their time and talents for the glory of God. It is a wonderful time they spend together – enjoying it and feeling blessed. Let them be an example for you. If you can sing well and / or play musical instruments we welcome you to come and join us irrespective of age group. Our regular practice is held every Sunday after the worship service.


For the sacrament of Confirmation, a candidate has to undergo a few sessions of teaching and preparation, including the following subjects:

  • Introduction to CNI
  • Baptism
  • Confirmation
  • Division of the books of Bible
  • Covenants
  • Holy Communion
  • Altar


Prior to conducting a marriage, we announce a series of ‘banns’ for the communicant Christian bride and bridegroom.

For an inter-faith union, the marriage is blessed with the traditional vows and rituals after producing a duly licensed civil marriage certificate from the government authorities.

Please contact us for booking dates and prior submission of forms. All prospective couples will need to attend a marriage counseling session before their actual ceremony. You can also visit our Holy Matrimony page for further details.

Cemetery & Burials

There are 3 cemeteries in Gurgaon. Two of these are located at the Police Lines, Gurgaon and there is one at Ghatta Village, Sector 56, Gurgaon. All of these are maintained by the Church of the Epiphany, Gurgaon.

However, burials are currently only done at the Sector 56 cemetery. Please see our detailed Cemetery Advisory page for further information.

Cottage Prayer Meetings

‘And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.’Hebrews 10:24-25

Cottage Prayer Meetings are held every Wednesday evening in different areas across Gurugram. These meetings are led by the lay leaders from the Church of the Epiphany. Please do send your request to have a Cottage Prayer Meeting at your home.

We encourage family members and others to join these praise and worship prayer meetings in your local area.

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